Thursday, October 28, 2010


One of the speakers on my computer blew out. It's beyond irritating because my computer is my main source for everything...i've been meaning to go get it fixed, but the idea of going to a Mac store and explaining what's going on is deterring me from making any moves.

I gave my Eat Pray Love book to a Korean man who's trying to learn English.  I'm interested to hear what he thinks.

Korea went from normal weather to Antarctica in 1 night.  You can feel cold bearing down on you, but apparently this is nothing compared to what's coming.  Winters here are brutal so i've heard....

....I can't figure out how to use my heater. Evidently all apartments have this incredible/fantastic/oh so magical radiant heat, but I can't figure out how to turn mine on. I fidget with the buttons, noises come from the walls - then nothing. I thought I had it figured out once, but in actuality i'd turned off my hot water. I'll continue to try. 

Finally went to the doctor on Tuesday after trying to tackle this cold with tenacity and water for the last 2 weeks. She listened to my chest, said something about "severe....blah blah blah....bronchitis.....blah blah...antibiotics....blah blah blah drinking...."

This weekend is Halloween.....

She prescribed 5 different pills that i'm to take 4 times a day...and cough medicine.  This pretty much epitomizes the excessive nature of Korea.  So far no change and the small creature taking up residence in my chest is still sitting comfortably. The pills do make my ears ring/make me nauseous/make me feel like i'm going to pass they must be working? 

A person dressed in a oversized Garfield costume came into the elevator with me today.  It didn't come close to phasing me as much as it should have - i'm becoming desensitized.  

Is it normal to send your kid to school with a surgical mask on? Is it still a surgical mask if Hello Kitty is on the front of it? Would a doctor wear a Hello Kitty surgical mask? Does Hello Kitty wear a surgical mask? These are all questions I have after seeing half my class come to school wearing these each morning. 

Cat Class has started speaking English.  I don't have much to report on this other than they use "mommy and daddy" to describe just about everything - plants, animals, portions of food, amounts, sizes..etc.  They also mimic everything I say, so I can no longer get away with cursing under my breath or aloud.  Last week they broke out in a "jesus christ" mimic/chant...fortunately stars and stickers still hold a lot of value to them.  "Lydia teacher will give 3 stars and a STICKER to whoever can sit nicely and be quiet!"

Tomorrow is Reggio's Halloween party.  I'm dressing as a cat. 

1 comment:

  1. lol. i can totally see this garfield not phasing u breezy. that sucks about ur comp. should korea have like 9827987529875982 electronic stores to buy external speakers?
